
2010年10月20日 星期三

2010-10-15 終於買左 APPLE 個 trackpad 啦,正!

早前想買 magic mouse, 點之後來出了 trackpad, 猶豫了幾個月,最終都買了 trackpad.

姐夫經常說這句早買早享受,遲買平幾舊” ……看來這句不能套用到 APPLE 的產品,以後記住前半句好了,蘋果的產品遲些買也不會平些的,真後悔沒在 trackpad 推出的當天就買。

( Magic Trackpad 盛惠 $518 )

( 手感一流)

( 2A電池位 )

( APPLE的設計總讓我心甘情願地買.......再買 ^^ )

2 則留言:

  1. totally agree that "遲買平幾舊 ” 這句不能套用到 APPLE 的產品 as APPLE will launch their new products or new configurations without lowering much of their product prices every year ... I think its product design and material are worth for the premium that everyone is willing to pay.
    [版主回覆10/23/2010 12:57:00]yes, i think so too ^^ hey, new macbook air released, so attractive!

  2. Yeah, the 11.6-inch one is marvelous...sigh, if I hadn't got my iPad, I would have bought the air without hesitation...it's enviable to carry this thinnest gadget in the street...maybe ultimately, I can't help buying it in the future...by the way, looking forward to your healthy baby's coming, please take good care of yourself.
    [版主回覆10/24/2010 10:02:00]" maybe ultimately, I can't help buying it in the future" ..... haha.....me too!!! i will take care, thank you!
